Calling all Black and Black Diaspora families who are providing human milk to their little ones. Join us on Sunday for a brief but very important moment in time. .We cant wait to see how many are able to participate this year but save the date! We will do this annually To register for this…
Tag: Black families
Join us as we glean information from this panel of 4 dyads ( the lactating parent and the nurser). Each one has had different obstacles to overcome during their postpartum period. To participate via ZOOM, click here to register or join us on Facebook live on the following pages Agape Doula & Midwifery Services…
Chocolate Milk Cafe- Health Fair Activity! In an effort to make sure EVERY family has an opportunity to share their experience, that did not follow evidence-based standards during pregnancy, birth and/or the postpartum period, we will have a table where everyone will have the opportunity to create a poster or vlog about their experience at the…